Monday 21 May 2007

Down Under pt. 2!

7 Day Weekend, yeah keep dreaming. unless you win the lottery or a secret rich auntie dies and leaves everything to you, you aren't going to be experiencing any seven day weekends. unlucky! "art school rap" is how Big Stereo describe 7 Day Weekend. they're just strange. it's electro pop with talking girls over the top.

7 Day Weekend - Party Monster

you all know about Architecture In Helsinki, or at least you should do. see: indie pop.

Architecture In Helsinki - Do The Whirlwind

there's also Cut Copy but i've never really been a fan...

apologies for the dreadful follow-up but life is getting a bit HECKTIK at the moment. i have a five day alcohol soaked daze to be started on thursday as i finish college foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr on that same day. then exams start, oh the joy.

i'm off to see Hot Club De Paris tomorrow night so Wednesday's post should be a little more enthusiastic.